วันพุธที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Paperoni Magic Movin Pets Version 1

Paperoni Magic Movin Pets Version 1
See your Paperoni come to life with new moving Pets. read more..

Best Features
  • The Paperoni magic moving pets comes with all of the Paperoni and materials required to make three motion featured 3D characters that run and jump around in their own Paperoni decorated enxironment.
  • It comes with three 3D characters each with wind-up motor motion, 2D templates to make hedges, flower beds, carrots and dog house roof, and paperoni pieces to decorate all. It includes plastic parts to make three associated stations.
  • 1500ronis,1-3DSelf-AdhesivePuppyMold,1PuppyHouse,1-2DSelf-AdhesivePuppy,HouseRoof Template,1-3DSelf-AdhesiveHamsterMold,1HamsterWheel/Base,1-3DSelf-AdhesiveRabbitMold,2-2DFlowerPatchTemplates,3-2DCarrotTemplates,6eyes,plasticears/noses, pulloroni tool

Best Price : Click to see Best Price

